Our Loan Programs

We understand the key role Earnest Money Deposits play in demonstrating your serious intent when placing a competitive offer on a promising property. As a seasoned real estate investor, you know just how much a substantial EMD can make your bid stand out from the crowd, and get the Seller to accept your offer.

At the same time, we also recognize your capital may already be tied up in other pending deals nearing the finish line. We never want a lack of readily available funds to cost you a prime opportunity!

That's exactly why we offer swift, tailored EMD financing solutions for savvy investors like you. With Legacy Capital Resources as your funding partner, you can submit strong, credible offers quickly - without getting bogged down in extensive paperwork or waiting on sluggish underwriting.

Our top priority is getting your deposit funded ASAP once we've finished our standard due diligence. We know acting fast is crucial in real estate. But we also take safety very seriously, so we'll collaborate closely with you and your title company or closing attorney to verify the deposit details and minimize any risks. 

Think of us next time you need EMD financing. We're excited to help you lock down more deals and get a leg up on the competition, while also conserving your capital for other important uses. Just give us a call when that perfect opportunity pops up, and we'll swiftly get your deposit funded! If you're ready now, submit an EMD Funding Request.

Safety Tip - Always use your title or closing agent as a safeguard when money is exchanging hands. We will never wire funds to a personal account, and we recommend that you don't either!

Ready to submit a Request for Funding? Click here.

As an experienced property pro yourself, you know how vital it is to jump on promising new deals when they come along. But what do you do when an incredible opportunity arises and you just don't have the capital on hand?

Look no further than us! At Legacy Capital Resources. We've partnered with private investors from Pace Morby's Gator community to offer swift double close financing so you can lock down deals without losing momentum. 

Our streamlined lending process and competitive rates empower you to act quickly when that perfect property is found. No more missed chances because funds weren't readily available!

Our skilled financing team will work hand-in-hand with you and your agent to orchestrate a smooth double close on both ends, even on deals exceeding $1M. No complicated paperwork or headaches. We have attorney constructed contracts which we prefer to use to draw up our deal. Pace has spent thousands on these contracts and we believe they protect both parties much better than the cookie cutter contracts you find for free on the internet. Send us an email to request these contracts and see for yourself.

Sourcing hot deals is the rewarding part for you, let us supply the financing and support to rapidly expand your wholesaling business or portfolio. With Legacy Capital Resources as your funding partner, you can strategically capitalize on opportunities and compete at the highest level!

Give us a call today, or drop us a note to discuss how we can facilitate your next big double close! The perfect deal is waiting - let's team up so you can grab it. We look forward to helping drive your investing success forward. Click here to submit a Funding Request.

Are you looking to grow your portfolio but don't have the capital on hand for your next deal? As an experienced investor, you know how competitive and fast-paced the market can be. When you find the perfect property, you need to be able to move quickly to get it under contract.

That's where we come in! At Legacy Capital Resources, we specialize in providing real estate transactional loans so investors like you can act swiftly when the right deal comes along. 

Our finance team can provide the capital to close on an acquisition, or bridge the gap between buying your next property and selling your current one.

We understand time is of the essence in real estate. Our team of financing experts will work closely with you and your agent to process your loan fast – usually within 3-5 days. The quicker you can submit a solid deal, the better chance you have of locking down prime properties

With Legacy Capital Resources as your lending partner, you’ll gain the flexibility and responsive funding needed to continue building your portfolio. We offer common sense, relationship-based lending. Our rates are competitive and our terms are tailored to meet your needs.

Let's connect today so you can stay active, competitive and continue creating wealth through real estate! Call us a call or send us a quick note. We're here to help fuel your investing success. Click here to submit a Funding Request.

Are you an experienced rehabber looking to scale up your business in today's real estate market? As a seasoned investor, you know you need access to flexible financing to act quickly when you find the perfect distressed property. 

Look no further than Legacy Capital Resources! We specialize in funding experienced flippers just like you. When you find that diamond-in-the-rough fixer-upper at the right price, we provide the capital to secure it FAST and maximize your profit potential.

Our team makes getting a rehab loan easy and stress-free. We offer:

- Fast approvals and funding within days 

- Loan amounts from $50k up to $5M 

- Competitive rates and flexible terms

- Loans for any valid Fix and Flip purpose

With Legacy Capital Resources as your funding partner, you can upgrade more properties simultaneously and build a thriving Flip business. We won't keep you waiting when it’s time to execute.

Let us provide the working capital to help your Flip business succeed! Call now and we’ll prequalify you. When your next great deal appears, we’ll be ready to fund it quickly so you can start your next profitable project. Partner with Legacy Capital Resources and dominate the Fix and Flip market today! Click here to apply.

Visit our FAQs page to learn more about our Hard Money Loan Programs.

Let us pre-qualify you for a DSCR loan. Click here.

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) Loans

A Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loan from our private lending firm is a beneficial financing option for real estate investors purchasing or refinancing investment property. 

With a DSCR loan, qualification is primarily based on the property's projected net operating income rather than personal income or credit scores.

How DSCR Loans Work:

- The debt service coverage ratio compares the property's annual net operating income to annual debt obligations. 

- The DSCR is calculated by dividing net operating income by the total annual debt payments (mortgage principal + interest).

- A DSCR of 1.0 means the NOI equals the debt obligations. A higher ratio indicates greater ability to cover payments.

- Minimum DSCR requirements are usually around 1.20 or higher. The higher the ratio, the more comfortably the property can support repayment.

Benefits of DSCR Loans:

- Funding based on the underlying property rather than borrower credentials

- Ability to qualify for financing despite personal credit challenges

- Ideal for investment properties with sufficient cash flow

- Provides access to competitive loan terms and interest rates 

Contact us to learn more about DSCR loan eligibility and get started funding your next investment property purchase! Click here to apply.